半杯杏仁两杯水,小撮盐,两个红枣,肉桂粉。杏仁隔夜浸泡,红枣热水浸泡半小时,可加香草豆荚/精油(我觉得一般)。搅拌机分三次加水高速搅拌均匀,坚果奶袋过滤即可。过滤后的坚果渣烘干即为杏仁粉(香!)。个人最喜爱的奶之第一位,第二是开心果奶。homemade almond milk, hands down it beats all the store bought milk, any milk. Half cup overnight soaked almond with 1.5-2.5 cup water. Two dates soaked in hot water over 20min. Cinnamon and pinch of salt to taste. Vanilla bean/extract is optional. Blend with little water to smooth paste consistency then add in the rest water. Strain through nutmill bag. The pulp can be dehydrated in the oven for later use. Chuck milk in the fridge for 4 days, pulp in the pantry for months. Similar for cashew milk, which soaks under 4 hours, and doesn't need straining.