Pumpkin Soup 南瓜浓汤

934人浏览 56人收藏 1人做过
作者: ShellyTrui


Pumpkin Soup 南瓜浓汤的做法步骤

步骤 1

准备材料 Prepare everything u gonna use.

步骤 2

热油,倒入切好的大蒜,待出香味 Put some oil and fri the garlics.

步骤 3

加入蘑菇、南瓜、牛奶、大葱、盐、香草,小火煮一会(大葱留一点) Put the mushrooms,pumpkin,milk,leek,salt and vanilla inside,make it boiled for a while.(around 10 mins)*leave some leek

步骤 4

煮沸后倒入料理机,打碎搅拌至浓稠,再倒回锅里,加入剩下的一点大葱 Move everything into the food processor,mix them then move back to the pot. Add some leek we leave into the soup.

步骤 5

加入少许牛奶调和浓度,加入酱油,小火边煮边搅拌至均匀,如果喜欢,可加入煎过的培根(切碎),最后撒些黑胡椒 Add a little milk,soy sauce,(fried bacon-if u liked),use low heat and stir the soup until smooth. Put some black pepper on the top.

步骤 6
步骤 6

配上两片烤过的吐司面包,开吃吧 Enjoy!

菜谱创建时间:2017-08-29 21:17:10