泰式罗勒炒鸡肉(金不换炒鸡)Thai basil chicken

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作者: PinchOfSalt
每次去泰式餐厅吃饭,我总是点同一道菜:金不换炒鸡肉。 就跟被下了降头一样,去之前我总是信誓旦旦地说:“今天要突破自我,点几个没吃过的菜”。拿着餐单看了半天,想着今天一定不能再点金不换炒鸡了。然而等服务员拿着点菜单来的时候,我又总是很纠结很慌乱地说:“啊,还是吃金不换炒鸡肉吧”。 就我这副不敢承担风险的怂样,朋友已经拒绝和我一起吃泰餐了。 可是点新菜真的好不安啊,万一不好吃怎么办,这个责任谁来承担? 直到有一次我和手模去泰国旅行,在曼谷街头的摊贩那里我又点了这道菜(连手模都嫌弃我太没有创意了),看着小贩花了5分钟做完了整个流程,我惊讶的发现:蛤?就这样而已?这么简单?这些材料我家都有啊! 出于一个Food(吃) Blogger(货)的本能,我迅速拿出手机打开记事本功能,把我能回想起来的步骤记下来。 小贩估计看出来我在偷记食谱(剽窃知识产权),笑着对我说“It's easy”。 真的好简单啊。 学会做这道菜之后,我终于可以在泰国餐厅里面放开心态尝试各种不同的菜了(并没有,现在换成每次都点泰式香茅烤鸡了)。 I always order Thai holy basil chicken when I eat in a Thai restaurant. Until I observed a street vendor making this dish when I was travelling in Bangkok, It occured to me that I should write down the steps and make it at home (since I like it that much, and the process is truly easy).


泰式罗勒炒鸡肉(金不换炒鸡)Thai basil chicken的做法步骤

步骤 1


步骤 2

用刀把鸡肉剁成肉碎,把洋葱切成非常小的丁,放在一起拌匀 Mince the chicken breast, finely dice the onion, mix them togther

步骤 3

锅里放油,放入蒜末和红辣椒炒出香味,下鸡肉和洋葱继续炒至断生 Pour 2 tbsp oil into the pan, throw in the minced garlic and minced chili, saute til the fragrance comes out. Put chicken-and-onion mixture in, saute til the chicken is cooked

步骤 4

放入鱼露,酱油,1/2青柠汁,糖,炒1-2分钟,让味道融合,最后放入九层塔,翻炒10秒左右关火 Add in fish sauce, soy sauce, half of the lime juice and sugar, keep sautéing for another minute or two. In the end, throw in the basil leaves, turn off the fire and give everything a good toss

步骤 5

可以再挤入一些青柠汁,搭配蔬菜和白饭(泰国米)装盘 It goes perfectly with steamed rice. You can squeeze more lime juice and match with some salad to balance out the saltiness

菜谱创建时间:2018-03-11 10:36:54