
381人浏览 6人收藏 1人做过
作者: joycececec



步骤 1

cookies butter 1 stick sugar 60g flour 160g egg half rasin 45g 自家烤箱只有下火,325上层20min左右,15min左右记得翻面换方向

步骤 2

椰子 30g 椰蓉 后面两种添加了粉量,所以会比较干,可以适当增加鸡蛋液的量

步骤 3

口味变化: 抹茶杏仁 6g 抹茶粉 30g almond

步骤 4

八寸戚风方 鸡蛋5只 糖70g 玉米油50g 水50g 低筋粉85g 盐1g 150度 50分钟 300F 六寸方乘以3/5

步骤 5

苹果肉桂玛芬: 2 eggs 2 apple(granny smith) (diced) 330g 3 tbsp oil 2 tbsp jaggery sugar 1 tbsp cane sugar 1 tbsp honey 2 cups all purpose flour 1 cup yogurt (or half cup milk) 2 tsp baking powder Cinnamon 7g Vanila extra 一共烤了55分钟 - [ ] 苹果粒是冷冻的,放置了一会儿出水了,就和牛奶一起放进去,液体量要根据出水量调整,苹果粒没有那么水了不会沉下去而是会悬浮在面糊中间

步骤 6
步骤 6

corn bread:用的这个 https://www.xiachufang.com/recipe/102244466/

步骤 7

carrot cake:用的这个,可以减糖到2-3tbsp:https://www.xiachufang.com/recipe/100477971/

步骤 8


步骤 9


步骤 10


步骤 11


步骤 12

Mayo banana bread 超级简单又好吃 Wet Egg 1 Banana 2 (medium to smallish) Mayo 1/3 cup= 5.5tbsp=71.5g Vanilla extract 1 tsp Jagary sugar 2 tbsp Dry Flour 1cup Baking soda 1/2 tsp Baking powder 1/4 tsp Sea salt 1/2 tsp Cinnamon 1/4 tsp Others Chopped walnuts 1/4cup 350f 60min 鸡蛋分开一个碗打,放进去mayo,打,然后再和香蕉糊混合 batter should be running and glumpy

步骤 13

8-ingredients fluffy Cornbread https://onegreenplanet.org/vegan-recipe/fluffy-cornbread/ 2 cups unsweetened non-dairy milk 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar 2 cups medium grind whole-grain cornmeal 1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/3 cup applesauce 2 tablespoons maple syrup 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt 350F 50min

步骤 14

八寸中空模戚风奶油蛋糕 蛋糕坯:糖75g(可以减到70g),水油法后蛋法,300F50min 奶油:糖比例8%,这么大一个蛋糕,450ml奶油能勉强裹完,中间夹层9分打发,外面抹面7/8分

步骤 15


步骤 16

基础芋泥:香芋紫薯2:1,两个加起来300g足够应付8寸戚风 芋泥奶油:打发到六分之后加基础芋泥30%左右

菜谱创建时间:2019-03-19 09:43:39