冷锅串串 Cold Served Skewers

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作者: 羊小KE
这个是我之前答应我的韩国朋友要写的菜谱,所以里面加了英文。 我写的比较啰嗦,但是材料和做法操作起来都是很简单。


冷锅串串 Cold Served Skewers的做法步骤

步骤 1

做高汤: 骨棒加姜放入清水煮沸去血水。换锅,加入适量的水,然后放入大骨棒和两片姜。炖1个小时熬出高汤,滤出高汤备用。 Base soup: Bone sticks and ginger bring to boil with water to remove the blood. Change the pot, add water, the big bone stick and two slices of ginger. Stew for 1 hour to get the broth. Strain and set aside the soup.

步骤 2

把竹签放入锅中,放入清水煮开5分钟消毒。 Put bamboo sticks in a pot, and then the water to boil for 5 minutes to sterilize.

步骤 3

准备喜欢的菜: 木耳泡开,撒点芡粉洗干净,穿上备用。 土豆、藕、莴笋切3mm左右薄片放在装满清水的盆中防止被氧化变色。 西蓝花切小块。注意的是不能把菜切散开,不然不容易串竹签。 午餐肉、肉丸、切成适合穿烫的尺寸。 豆腐果、虾仁、直接一个竹签一个。 Prepare your favorite meat and vegies: Soak the fungus, sprinkle with some flour powder to wash and skewer. Potatoes, lotus roots and lettuce are cut into thin slices of about 3mm and placed in a basin filled with water to prevent oxidation. Broccoli cut into small pieces. Note that the dishes cannot be cut apart, otherwise it is not easy to put on the bamboo sticks. Luncheon meat, meatballs, cut to size suitable for skewer. Skewer Tofu puff and shrimp.

步骤 4

调汁: 炒锅中放入油,放入所有香料,小火慢炒出香味。投入葱姜蒜翻炒,然后加入火锅底料炒匀。加生抽、料酒、糖和半块浓汤宝继续炒匀倒入骨头高汤,熬煮15分钟滤除香料和沉淀物。再撒上烤芝麻,红油汁就准备好了。 Red oil soup: Put oil in the wok, add all the spices, and sauté slowly over low heat. Then add in green onion, ginger and garlic to stir until you smell the fragrant, then add hot pot base and stir well. Add soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar and half dried broth cube to stir well. Pour into the bone broth, cook for 15 minutes. Filter out spices and precipitates. Sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds, the red oil soup is ready.

步骤 5

5 处理主料: 锅中加清水烧开,加入两勺食用盐,先把蔬菜放在水中煮1-2分钟,基本上熟了的状态。锅子不够大的可以准备一个汤勺,一手拿竹签,另外一只手往上浇开水,帮助竹签上放的蔬菜均匀受热。起锅之前撒一些葱油,防止蔬菜出锅变色。捞出控水备用。 在把荤菜放在水中煮熟。中途加入料酒去腥。熟了以后捞出备用。 Processing main materials: Add water to the pot and bring to a boil. Add two tablespoons of salt. Boil the vegetables in the water for 1-2 minutes until half cooked. If the pot is not big enough, you can prepare a soup spoon. Hold the bamboo sticks in one hand, and pour the boiled water with the other hand to help the vegetables on the bamboo stick evenly heated. Sprinkle some scallion oil at last to prevent the vegetables from discoloring. Remove the vegies from the water and set aside. Cook the meat in water. Add cooking wine halfway to remove the meaty. When it is cooked, take out and set aside.

步骤 6
步骤 6

把处理好的主料放在调好的辣油汁中浸泡30分钟。就可以开动了! Soak the processed main ingredients in the prepared spicy oil juice for 30 minutes. You can start!

冷锅串串 Cold Served Skewers的小贴士

1 你可以准备你喜欢的任何主菜,香料也是可以自行调配。 2 没有高汤的用开水代替也是可以的。 3 荤素菜需要分开下过煮,不然容易串味。 4 煮荤菜的时候要注意不要煮过头了,熟了就好,老了就不好了。 5 等所有的菜凉了以后再吃口味更佳。 6 高汤可以提前准备。 7 浓汤宝没有可以不加。 Tips 1 You can prepare any meat and vegetables you like, and also the spices. 2 It is also possible to use boiling water instead of broth in step 4 if you are lazy to make your own soup. 3 Meat and vegetables need to be cooked separately, otherwise the taste is not so good. 4 When cooking meat dishes, be careful not to overcook. 5 Wait until all the dishes are cool before eating, it will taste better. 6 Stock soup can be prepared days in advance. 7 There is no need to add dried soup if you don’t have it.

菜谱创建时间:2020-05-23 17:05:26