一无所有冰淇淋 Ice cream out of nothing at all

72人浏览 3人收藏 0人做过
作者: annwoo
for Shanghai With ice and salt


一无所有冰淇淋 Ice cream out of nothing at all的做法步骤

步骤 1

盘点好吃什么口味冰淇淋(冰箱里还剩啥)了吗? flavor ain’t important, just use what’s in the fridge 豪爽制冰吧,自来水免费 let’s make a lot of free ice 准备盐 和 一大两小三个密封袋 U need salt, 1 big and 2 small zip-logs

步骤 2

盛冰块入大袋 Get the ice into the bigger log

步骤 3

牛奶入小袋 Our ice-cream-to-be in the small log

步骤 4

牛奶不够酸奶来凑,挤出袋内空气 Not enough milk? Yogurt works too. air tight!

步骤 5

小袋进大冰袋,冰上撒盐。原理问小学物理老师 Salt on ice, magic works —— says elementary physics

步骤 6
步骤 6

贴封条密封 Now LOCKDOWN

步骤 7

疯狂摇袋(约10分钟)直到冻感解封 shake nonstop until ice cream freeze over, turn on your fav rocknroll

步骤 8

成品即一无所有冰淇淋,加巧克力碎加朗姆浸葡萄干加饼干块等更显富裕 (图为富裕时代做的焦糖海盐) Voila. Enjoy!

一无所有冰淇淋 Ice cream out of nothing at all的小贴士

我喜欢IKEA的甘蔗袋,便宜结实环保 如用果汁 (比如胡萝卜汁)做出来的就是sorbet

菜谱创建时间:2022-04-21 09:50:40