炸|焦叶子Fried Crispy Leaves

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作者: 喜迷李
年味记忆 小时候回老家过年 最馋的不是炸丸子 是可以吃到焦叶子 今年疫情终于告一段落 过年还能放炮 让年味又浓了起来 妈妈在我们的花式鼓励下 在家也给我们炸起了年货 第一次做就特别棒! 发现老妈年龄越长厨艺也见长 第一次做就非常成功 又薄又脆,真了不起! 年味记忆 Childhood memories of going back to my hometown for Chinese New Year. The most anticipated treat wasn't the fried meatballs, but being able to enjoy crispy fried leaves. This year, as the pandemic finally comes to an end, we can once again light firecrackers, making the festive atmosphere even stronger. With our creative encouragement, Mom fried up some festive snacks at home. The first attempt turned out amazing! It's incredible to see Mom's cooking skills improve with age. The first batch was thin and crispy, truly impressive!


炸|焦叶子Fried Crispy Leaves的做法步骤

步骤 1

第一步揉面:馅料搅拌均匀(黑芝麻+白砂糖)➡️加入面粉和水➡️揉面成团 Mix the filling ingredients (black sesame seeds + white sugar) thoroughly ➡️ Add flour and water ➡️ Knead the dough into a ball.

步骤 2

第二步擀皮:面团分成若干小面团,小面团擀成一张大薄饼➡️切割成一片➡️如图(类似菱形) Next step, roll out the dough: Divide the dough into several small portions and roll each portion into a large thin pancake. Cut the pancake into a diamond shape as shown in the picture.

步骤 3

第三步炸:锅内大呼的油,烧到7分热,依次下入面皮➡️用大漏勺断断续续的翻面(防止粘在一起)➡️一直炸到两面金黄即可捞出Step three: Heat a large amount of oil in a pan until it reaches 70% heat. Add the noodles one by one and flip them intermittently with a large strainer to prevent them from sticking together. Fry until both sides turn golden brown, then remove from the pan.

菜谱创建时间:2023-02-05 23:00:38