炖|鲫鱼豆腐汤Carp Fish and Tofu Soup

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作者: 喜迷李
儿时记事起就不爱吃鱼 一直到了大学也不吃鱼 再后来从烤鱼开始尝试 接着清蒸鱼、红烧鱼… 看嘛,人都是会变得啦 嗯……味道蛮不错嘛! I didn't like eating fish since childhood, Even when I was in college, I didn't eat fish, But then I started trying it with grilled fish, And then steamed fish, braised fish... You see, people can change, Hmm... the taste is actually quite good!


炖|鲫鱼豆腐汤Carp Fish and Tofu Soup的做法步骤

步骤 1

备食材:鲫鱼开肚清理干净控水备用,豆腐切小方块,白菜叶切段,葱姜小米椒切丝段。 Preparation: Clean the carp by cutting its belly and remove the internal organs, then pat dry. Cut the tofu into small cubes, slice the cabbage leaves, and julienne the spring onions, ginger, and small chili peppers.

步骤 2

首先,锅内倒入适量的油烧热后,先煎蛋盛出,再放入鲫鱼煎制两面焦后捣碎,接着加入葱姜,然后倒入适量的开水中小火煮鱼汤5分钟左右。 First, pour an appropriate amount of oil into the hot pot. Fry the eggs first and set them aside. Then, place the crucian carp in the pot and fry both sides until golden brown. Next, add scallions and ginger. Pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water and simmer the fish soup on low heat for about 5 minutes.

步骤 3

另起锅,先依次放入处理好的白菜叶、豆腐、青豆和荷包蛋,然后放入烧好的鱼汤(注意用勺漏网过滤鱼渣),最后加入盐和胡椒粉各一勺煮开即可撒上小米椒葱花出锅啦! Add the prepared cabbage leaves, tofu, green peas, and poached egg into a new pot in order. Then add the hot fish broth (remember to strain out the fish residue using a spoon and sieve). Finally, add a spoonful of salt and pepper, and bring it to a boil. Sprinkle with chopped chili and green onion before serving!

菜谱创建时间:2023-03-05 20:21:42