买一只龙虾,一般冻的也可以 Buy a lobster (frozen one will also do)
把龙虾尾切半,把肠和脏东西处理 Cut the lobster tail in half and remove all the internal debris
把龙虾尾切成大块 Cut the lobster tail into large pieces
把奶酪磨成丝,但是建议用Parmesan而不是Cheddar (较好的溶化性) Grind the cheese ( suggest that we use Parmesan and not Cheddar, which dissolves better in the cream )
把锅烧热,加入三大勺的橄榄油 Heat up a pan and add three large spoonful of olive oil
加入蒜和姜,爆香后加入龙虾块,快速翻炒 Add in garlic and ginger, fry until fragrant and add in lobster tail pieces and continue frying in the pan
加入两杯白葡萄酒,继续翻炒 Add in two cups of white wine and continue frying
把龙虾块拿起,留下汤汁 Remove the lobster pieces and leave the wine sauce behind
加入奶油,加热后把磨碎的奶酪放入。搅拌直到奶酪融化 Add in cooking cream (or whipping cream). When heated up, add in the ground cheese. Stir until the cheese is melted
把意大利面放入加好盐的热水 Add the pasta into hot boiling salted water
把意大利面煮到快熟时(不要完全熟,应该还有一点实心),加入奶油奶酪酱里 When the pasta is almost cooked ( so do not wait until it is fully cooked, it should be a bit al dente in the center), and add it to the cream sauce
最后把龙虾块加入锅内再次加热 Lastly add in the lobster tail pieces and heat up again
装盘。在意面上打上现磨黑椒和鲜蘑奶酪 Plate up the pasta and sprinkle freshly ground black pepper and cheese
这个奶酪奶油酱可以配上其它的海鲜(如墨鱼,贝壳类的,虾)或熏肉(培根肉)。只要把新材料代替里面的步骤,就能做出这道菜的其它的款式 This simple cream cheese sauce can be paired up with other seafood (such as shell fish, octopus) or smoked meat (bacon). Just simply replace the lobster with the new ingredients in the recipe and you will be able to make variations of this pasta