

4268人浏览 61人收藏 0人做过
作者: 水沐汐
If you feel like you have an excess fat not needed to your body, or some extra liquid present in your abdominal area, here is a solution for you. The syrup can be made at home and will take you only 10 minutes. Not only you can lose belly fat and eliminate the water retention, but the results have shown that it is good for your eyesight, hearing and memory.



步骤 1

Put the horseradish and the ginger in a blender and after they blend well, add the lemon juice and mix for 3 minutes. 姜块和horsradish搅碎成泥,然后加入新鲜柠檬汁腌渍几分钟。

步骤 2

Add the cinnamon and honey and mix till it gets syrup. Put the mixture in a glass jar. 在刚才的姜泥中加入肉桂粉和蜂蜜,拌均匀,放入干净无水无油的密封杯中冷藏保存。

步骤 3

Consume 1 teaspoon of it twice a day before meals and training. Consume the syrup for three weeks and take a three weeks break afterwards. 可以一天两次冲水喝,饭前或者运动前。喝三周停三周。

菜谱创建时间:2017-03-04 11:05:13