1) Rinse the fresh aparagus 清洗新鲜的芦笋 Asparagus is a garden plant belonging to Lily family. Research shows that Asparagus has very strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrient composition. We would expect it is a risk reducer for a variety of cancer types. More benefit details can be seen in http://www.whfoods.org. 芦笋属于百合花科的庭院植物。研究表明芦笋具有非常强的抗炎性和抗氧化的营养成分。我们预期它可以有效降低患癌的几率。它的更多疗效可参见 http://www.whfoods.org
Cut them in to small pieces 將它們切成小段
3) Add small pieces of Asparagus to the boiling water. 將小段蘆筍倒入沸水中煮
4)Boil water and asparagus for about 8 minutes till it turns to green and tender. 煮約8分鐘直到它們變翠綠,質感變軟
5) Add both water and tender Asparagus to Mixer. Mix for 2-3 minutes. 將水及變軟的蘆筍倒入攪拌機,攪拌約2-3分鐘
6) Pour Asparagus Juice to cup. Yes, we can make it! 然後將蘆筍汁裝杯。歐耶,我們做成了健康魔術飲品💐✌️
A brief summary card for you. Hope you enjoy the fresh magic juice and get better recovery soon. :D 小小總結卡片送給您。希望您喜歡新鮮的蘆筍汁,早日康復喲💐😋💝♻️✌️
「喜楽的心乃是良藥」—箴言17-22 更多相關信息參見,More can be seen via https://www.meipian.cn/hgkeq2?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0
Magic Asparagus Juice: 魔術蘆筍汁 Prepare time 5 minutes, cook for 20minutes. 準備時間:5分鐘, 製作時間:20分鐘 Best Wishes for you and your family: A Healthy, Happy and Prosperous 2017! 最美好的祝願送給您和家人: 願您擁有健康,快楽和繁榮的2017! Sponsored by Mei's family 由梅氏蒙福家庭贊助