红丝绒蛋糕Red Velvet Cake

333人浏览 12人收藏 0人做过
作者: Lily小屁妞
Red Velvet Cake Prep Time 30 mins Cook Time 25 mins Total Time 55 mins The classic, iconic Red Velvet Cake! The sponge is soft and velvety, true to it's name, with a buttery flavour, moist with a hint of chocolate, vanilla and tang from buttermilk. The essential elements of this recipe are: cake flour (Note 1), buttermilk (no substituting!), butter & buttermilk at room temperature. IMPORTANT: Don't mix cups with grams/mls. So if you measure flour with cups, measure all the ingredients using cups where specified. And if you use grams, only use the provided grams and mls, don't use the cup measures. Recipe VIDEO below. Course: Sweet Baking Cuisine: American, Western Servings: 10 -12 Author: Nagi | RecipeTin Eats 菜谱搬运于https://www.recipetineats.com/red-velvet-cake/ 翻译过来的,不清楚的话可以留言哒。


红丝绒蛋糕Red Velvet Cake的做法步骤

步骤 1

将烤箱预热至180度。 黄油2 x 21厘米/ 8“圆形蛋糕盘(侧面和底部)和可可粉粉。 将干性的原料过筛并打匀,放入碗中。 将黄油和糖放入一个碗中,用打蛋器打发直至光滑并结合良好。 一次添加一个鸡蛋,搅拌均匀。 加入植物油,醋,香草精,buttermilk和红色食用色素,搅拌均匀 添加干燥成分。打败直到合并 - 一些小块是好的,这比混合更好。 面糊倒入模具,烤25-30分钟,直到插入中心的牙签是干净的。 奶油奶酪霜 将奶油奶酪,黄油和香草精一起打3分钟(这会使其变得非常光滑并从黄色变成几乎白色)。加入糖粉并再打2分钟,直到糖霜轻盈蓬松以适应您的口味。如果你的糖霜似乎太流(取决于奶油奶酪的品质/如果奶酪太软),只需加入更多的糖粉。

步骤 2


步骤 3


菜谱创建时间:2018-05-09 04:59:28