苹果派 Apple Pie Crumble Blondies

860人浏览 63人收藏 1人做过
作者: Jessica_i_Judy
翻译自https://tasty.co/recipe/apple-pie-crumble-blondies 9人份 ingredients for 9 blondies


苹果派 Apple Pie Crumble Blondies的做法步骤

步骤 1

烤箱预热180度 Preheat oven to 180˚C

步骤 2

在碗里加入黄油,红糖,糖,肉桂粉和面粉。 用叉子搅拌,直到形成粗糙的面包屑。 冷却备用。 In a bowl, add the butter, brown sugar, sugar, cinnamon and flour. Use a fork incorporate all of the ingredients until a coarse crumb forms. Chill until ready to use.

步骤 3

在碗中,加入面粉,肉桂粉,肉豆蔻,盐和小苏打,搅拌混合。 In a bowl, add the flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and baking soda, stir to combine.

步骤 4

在一个大碗里,加入黄油,糖和枫糖浆。 用蛋抽搅拌,直到完全合并, In a large bowl, add the butter, sugar, and maple syrup. Whisk until fully incorporated,

步骤 5

用黄油将鸡蛋和香草加入碗中,混合至完全混合。 Add the egg and vanilla to the bowl with the butter and mix until fully incorporated.

步骤 6
步骤 6

加入一半面粉混合物,混合直至合并。 加入剩下的面粉混合物并搅匀,直到显示出纹路,不会消失。 Add half of the flour mixture, and mix until just combined. Add the second half of the flour mixture and mix until there are streaks of flour still showing, making sure to not overmix.

步骤 7

将柠檬汁倒在苹果上,然后将苹果轻轻翻拌进面糊中。 Pour the lemon juice over the apples then gently fold the apples into the batter

步骤 8

将面糊均匀平铺在涂有油的23厘米方形蛋糕盘中。 Spread batter evenly into a greased 23 cm square cake pan.

步骤 9

在苹果面糊顶部撒上第一步制作的碎屑,用手捏出一些小块来形成不同尺寸的碎块,以获得不同质地。 Sprinkle crumble mixture over the top, creating different size crumble pieces by squeezing some small clumps together in your hands for varying texture.

步骤 10

烘烤40分钟,并用牙签测试,最后5分钟用箔覆盖,以防止顶部过度烘烤。 Bake for 40 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean, cover with foil the last 5 minutes to prevent the top from over baking

步骤 11

冷却约20分钟,切块和上菜。 Let cool for about 20 minutes, slice and serve.

苹果派 Apple Pie Crumble Blondies的小贴士

摘抄一些网友试做后的反馈: 1. 使用绿苹果比红苹果更好吃I have made these twice, once with red apples and the other with green apples. The time i made them with green apples they tasted waaayyy better :) 2. 如果用了有盐黄油,则需要加入更多的糖I used salted butter for these instead of unsalted and it took a lot of sugar to fix that. Were very messy but delicious. 3. 做顶部碎屑挺费时间的making the crumble is really time consuming 4. 这个食谱很好,只不过我多烤了15分钟,下次我觉得放一个或者一个半苹果就够了I made these and they were awesome! But I had to bake them for like an extra 15 minutes so I’d bake them for 40 minutes instead of 25. And next time I make them I would also put only one or one and a half Apples 5. 强烈推荐这个食谱,可能是我做过的最好的甜点,我减了糖,只用了一个苹果This is sooo good, probably on of the best desserts I’ve ever made! I cut back on some sugar and also only used one apple. But, I highly recommend this recipe

菜谱创建时间:2018-10-20 04:08:07