炸薄荷嫩豆腐 Fried Mint Soft Tofu

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作者: 奇维维


炸薄荷嫩豆腐 Fried Mint Soft Tofu的做法步骤

步骤 1

把嫩豆腐切成 2.5cm的方块, 厚度在 1cm以内。用厨房纸轻轻按压吸掉豆腐表面水分, 这样裹淀粉才不会糊成一团。 Cut tofu into 2.5cm squares with a thickness of less than 1cm. Use the kitchen paper to press gently and suck the moisture out of tofu so it will be easier to wrap starch.

步骤 2

洗净摘下薄荷叶子。 Wash and take off the mint leaves.

步骤 3

用厨房纸擦干薄荷叶子表面水分。 Dry the surface of the mint leaves on kitchen papers.

步骤 4

平底锅里倒一层油中火加热, 把薄荷叶放进去, 用筷子把薄荷平均分布在锅中, 把炸透的叶子 立刻捞出来, 40g的薄荷叶子要分三次煎炸。 Heat up the oil on the layer of a saucepan by moderate heat, distribute mint leaves evenly in the pan by chopsticks, fish out deep fried leaves, 30-40g mint leaves should be fry in shallow oil separately for three times.

步骤 5

炸好的叶子应当是完整翠绿有点点透明的, 放在吸油纸上待用。在平盘中倒入淀粉, 把豆腐放进去轻轻滚满淀粉。平底锅倒油中火烧热, 把豆腐放入锅中煎到每一面都呈金黄色。 煎好的豆腐同样放在吸油纸上吸油, 在盘底铺一层炸薄荷, 然后摆一层豆腐, 撒一点点盐, 再摆一层薄荷叶, 最后再摆几块炸豆腐, 撒一点点盐。撒上芝麻。 The fried leaves should be completely green and slightly transparent, place them on the oil absorbing paper. Pour the starch into the flat plate, put the tofu into it and roll it lightly, make sure the tofu cover up with starch. Heat up the oil on the layer of a saucepan by medium heat, add tofu into the pan and fry until each side is golden yellow. Place fried tofu on the oil absorbing paper, lay the fried mint leaves on the bottom of the dish, then place the tofu and sprinkle a little salt, place another layer of peppermint leaves on top of the tofu, place the last bit of fried tofu on the top, sprinkle a little salt. Sprinkle the white sesame seeds.

菜谱创建时间:2018-10-21 10:26:15