东北凉拌菜 黄瓜粉丝凉菜 Beanthread noodle salad

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作者: liningjd
黄瓜粉丝凉菜, 营养低脂健康! "Quick bean thread noodle salad with cucumbers and carrots. With a light dressing." 老公公司搞聚餐, 我头天晚上准备的东北凉菜, 拌料分装, 让他吃饭前洒上拌好即食. 隔天回来传话说同事追问菜谱, 我赶紧精心写了英文版本发过去, 元旦在家有闲又特意再做一次补上照片, 以弘扬我大中华美食文化. 其实自己公司聚餐也多次带过这款东北黄瓜凉菜的, 俄罗斯同事赞不绝口, 曾托付我从华人超市代买粉丝给她.做法步骤后面有英文说明是因为很多华裔朋友不会读中文,双语菜谱可以分享给只能读英文的朋友。


东北凉拌菜 黄瓜粉丝凉菜 Beanthread noodle salad的做法步骤

步骤 1

这是第二天吃提前准备的版本,调料混和单存,吃之前倒入拌好即食. If prepared the day before, the sauces may be put aside in a separate container. Pour the sauce into the veggies before serving, and mix well.

步骤 2

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 bundle of bean thread noodles, 1 large cucumber, 3 slices Napa cabbage(for big Napa use 2 slices), 0.5 small daikon radish, 0.5 mid carrot, 2 garlic clove,

步骤 3

粉丝可以是龙口, 也可以是其它品种 You may find the ingredients in any Asian supermarket. Include the bean thread vermicelli/noodles.

步骤 4

调料用量: 盐(2小匙), 糖(3小匙), 香油(1小匙), 老干妈(1大勺), 米醋/白醋(2.5大勺) Sauce ingredients: 2.5 table spoon rice wine vinegar, 2 teaspoon salt, 3 teaspoon sugar, 1 table spoon chili oil, 1 teaspoon sesame oil

步骤 5

烧开水煮粉丝2分钟, 冷水冲凉, 沥干, 剪短 In a pot of boiling water, cook noodles(2bundle) 2 minutes. Rinse under cold water and drain; set aside. After a while, Cut the aside noodles shorter and add to the big bowl

步骤 6
步骤 6

煎蛋皮: 2个蛋打到碗里加一点盐, 蛋打2分钟至均匀, 煎锅开中火, 锅热放油摇匀使油铺满锅底, 盖上锅盖转小火焖一分钟, 关火, 先不用拿出来. In medium bowl, BEAT eggs(2), pinch of salt until blended. Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat until warm. Swirl the skillet and spread oil over every inch of the bottom of the pan.. POUR IN egg mixture to the skillet and immediately swirl the skillet to spread the batter into a thin, round-shaped egg sheet. Turn heat down to low and cover skillet with lid for 1 minute. Turn off heat, leave the egg sheet in the skillet.

步骤 7

各种原料切丝+炒蛋皮切丝的步骤就不详细说了, 大家看图就能明白. 英文版酱婶儿滴: Shred carrot(1/2) to a large bowl, Mince garlic clove(2) to the large bowl, Shred cucumbers(1L) to the large bowl, Shred Napa cabbage(3) to the large bowl, Shred daikon radish(1/2) to the large bowl

步骤 8

不烫的鸡蛋皮卷起拿出来切丝: Roll the cooled down egg sheet from skillet to a cutting board, shred,

步骤 9

所有调料加到盆里拌匀, 盐(2小匙), 糖(3小匙), 香油(1小匙), 老干妈(1大勺), 米醋/白醋(2.5大勺) Add salt(2t), sugar(3t), sesame oil(1t), spicy oil(1TB), rice wine vinegar(2.5TB), to the large bowl and mix together everything. Serve immediately.

步骤 10

开吃 Enjoy!

东北凉拌菜 黄瓜粉丝凉菜 Beanthread noodle salad的小贴士

也可以加生菜丝, 彩椒丝, 豆腐皮丝, 海带丝, 或者煮好的绿豆芽. 调料配比同样适用于其他各种凉拌菜! The Napa cabbage may be replaced by Romaine lettuce heart. You may also add shredded bell pepper.

菜谱创建时间:2019-01-13 10:44:43