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作者: 金秦儿
国内卖的葡萄熟透了就很好剥,UK这边主要卖的都是提子,超级难剥啊有木有。 封面是之前做葡萄酒冻,剥皮剥的崩溃了也剥不干净 →_→ 后来在fb上瞥到的一个视频,但找不到原视频了。搜索了一个类似的方法,采用速热速冷达到皮肉分离效果: https://www.bustle.com/p/how-to-peel-grapes-easily-for-your-halloween-2017-party-2437873 我还没试过,仅作搬运记录,等下次尝试了再更图。



步骤 1

预先准备 准备几个碗,一点冰块和水,一个锅,还有葡萄和炉灶。 可能还需要一个网筛捞葡萄甩水。 All you need are bowls, ice cubes, water, a pot, grapes (of course) and a stovetop. You might choose to use a strainer to help you dip the grapes, but that's optional.

步骤 2

烧一锅开水。 可以同时在另一个碗/盆里面做一盆冰水混合物 【建议控制好时间,留足够时间让水降温,到零度(•̀⌄•́) Heat up your water on the stovetop until it's at a boil. As you wait for the water to get ready, fill a bowl with ice and water. Timing is very important, so you'll want to make sure your ice water is prepped ahead of time.

步骤 3

把葡萄放进网筛里,让葡萄在开水里烫几秒钟,不要烫太久。 【注意要使用耐热的网筛,塑料的估计不太行´<_` Keep in mind that you'll want to use a strainer that can withstand the heat. The grapes only need to hit the hot water for a few seconds, so make sure you don't overdo it.

步骤 4

立马迅速果断地把葡萄泡进冰水里大概10秒钟。速热速冷使皮肉分离。 Don't hesitate to plop those grapes in the cold water for about 10 seconds. By changing temperature quickly, a reaction takes place that'll allow the skins to come off quite easily.

步骤 5

然后就剥皮呗。 You'll probably need to make a small slit in the grapes with your nail to start, but the innards should stay round and perfect once peeled. Feel free to try a few — if you normally don't like the subtle tartness of grapes, you may really enjoy the way they taste skinless.

菜谱创建时间:2020-02-11 01:11:11