Paul Hollywood's Chelsea buns 肉桂卷

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在British Bake off里看到的Chelsea buns 感觉应该蛮简单的 找菜谱来试试 准备时间:1-2 小时 制作时间:10-30 分钟 出品:10个 cr.


Paul Hollywood's Chelsea buns 肉桂卷的做法步骤

步骤 1

将面粉和盐放入一个大的搅拌碗中,搅拌直至完全混合。 在面粉的中央挖孔,然后倒入酵母。 Place the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl and stir until thoroughly combined. Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in the yeast.

步骤 2

在一个小锅中加热牛奶和黄油,直到黄油融化并且混合物变温。 倒入面粉混合物中,加入鸡蛋并充分搅拌,直到碗中的混合物形成一个软面团。 Warm the milk and butter in a small saucepan until the butter is melted and the mixture is lukewarm. Pour into the flour mixture, add the egg and stir thoroughly until the contents of the bowl come together as a soft dough.

步骤 3

将面团倒在有面粉的工作台上,并揉匀五分钟,直到面团光滑且有弹性。 Tip the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and knead well for five minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic.

步骤 4

将面团放入涂了油的碗中,用湿布盖住,静置一小时或直到面团大小增加一倍。 Place the dough into an oiled bowl and leave to rise, covered with a damp tea towel, for one hour or until doubled in size.

步骤 5

将面团倒在有面粉的工作台上。 将面团揉成约30x20cm的矩形。 Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. Roll out dough into a rectangle about 30x20cm/12x8in.

步骤 6
步骤 6

面团表面涂上融化的黄油。 将橙皮均匀地撒在黄油表面,再撒上糖,肉桂和干果。 Brush all over with the melted butter. Evenly sprinkle the orange zest over the buttered surface, followed by the sugar, cinnamon and dried fruit.

步骤 7

用手指将面团矩形的长边按在工作台上,以将其固定。 把面团的另一边向你的方向卷紧,直到完全卷紧为止。 用锋利的刀切成厚圆形-间隔约4cm。 Tack down the long side of the dough rectangle nearest to you by pressing it down onto the work surface with your thumb. Roll the opposite long side of the dough towards you quite tightly, until the roll is complete and tight. With a sharp knife cut into thick rounds - about 4cm/1¾in.

步骤 8

用黄油涂抹烤盘。 Grease a deep roasting tin or baking tray thoroughly with butter.

步骤 9

将小圆面包切面朝上,放入涂有油脂的烤盘中,每一个之间留出约1cm的空间。 摆得近一些这样方便之后的涨高,烘烤时它们的侧面会相互贴住。做好后将它们掰开,面包边缘是柔软的。 Place the buns, cut side up, into the greased baking tray leaving about 1cm/½in of space between each one. You want them to be close enough so that when they rise further and then bake, they will bake with their sides touching. They can then be pulled apart and you get a lovely soft edge.

步骤 10

在温暖的地方静置约30分钟。 Leave to rise for about 30 minutes in a warm place.

步骤 11

将烤箱预热至190C平炉 / 170C风炉。 Preheat oven to 190C/170C Fan/Gas 5.

步骤 12

面包准备好后,将其放入烤箱中,烘烤20-25分钟,直到金黄色。 15分钟左右后检查一下,如果面包变得金棕色,则用铝箔纸覆盖。 When the buns are ready, put them in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes until golden-brown. Check after 15 minutes or so and cover the buns with foil if they are getting too brown.

步骤 13

将小圆面包从烤箱中取出,使其稍稍冷却,然后再将其从烤盘转移到冷却架上。 Remove the buns from the oven and let them cool slightly before transferring them from the tin to a cooling rack.

步骤 14

将果酱在一个小锅中加少许水融化,直到光滑为止。 将果酱刷在面包上,使其上色变得亮晶晶之后冷却。 Melt the jam in a small saucepan with a splash of water until smooth. Brush the jam over the buns to glaze and allow to cool.

步骤 15

将糖粉,橙皮和两汤匙水混合在一起。 在冷却的小圆面包上淋上糖霜,并在食用前使其凝固。 Mix together the icing sugar, orange zest and two tablespoons water. Drizzle the icing over the cooled buns and allow to set before serving.

Paul Hollywood's Chelsea buns 肉桂卷的小贴士


菜谱创建时间:2020-08-30 19:35:00