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作者: 兎。
来自le creuset官网的菜谱,两人份的晚餐,心型的锅子,你知道这样的爱心料理最适合情人节了或者烛光晚餐了。 原名是Fig and Goat Cheese-Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Fennel and Potatoes 看我是在多么没水平的直白的翻译。 马上要来的情人节,虽然一个人过,但琢磨着想要实践一次=) 准备时间大概15分钟,料理时间30分钟。除了食材,最重要的是厨子做食物时候放进去的爱。 汤勺=tablespoon 茶勺=teaspoon 填充物 软山羊奶酪(室温) 无花果(fig) 新鲜百里香 盐 新鲜研磨的黑胡椒 鸡肉部分 脱骨无皮鸡胸肉 橄榄油 小土豆 茴香根茎 青葱 无花果果酱



步骤 1

预热烤箱到190摄氏度。把所有填充物栏里的食材在小碗里混合均匀,然后先放在一边。 Preheat oven to 375 F. In a small bowl, stir together all ingredients for the filling. Set aside.

步骤 2

处理鸡胸肉。用锋利的刀横着从鸡胸肉最厚的部分切进去,切出一个3inch深1inch宽的口袋出来,等下往里填充材料。 Slide a sharp boning or paring knife horizontally into the thickest end of each chicken breast. Gently work the knife left and right, creating a pocket about 3 inches deep and 1 inch wide (slightly more or less depending on the size of the breast).

步骤 3

用手指轻轻的向鸡胸肉里填充山羊奶酪混合物。然后在鸡胸上撒上盐和黑胡椒。 Using your fingers, pack each pouch with half of the goat cheese mixture. Gently press the opening closed. Season the chicken with salt and pepper.

步骤 4

在另外一只锅(最好是平底锅)里加热一汤勺的橄榄油。 Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a skillet over medium heat.

步骤 5

加入鸡胸煎2~3分钟,直到鸡胸的两面都变成棕黄色。取出装盘放在一边。 Add the chicken breasts and cook 2 to 3 minutes per side or until golden brown. Transfer to a plate and set aside.

步骤 6
步骤 6

同时,用中火和桃心铸铁锅加热另外一汤勺橄榄油。 Meanwhile, heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in the heart cocotte over medium heat.

步骤 7

油热了之后,加入小土豆。并用夹子将土豆切口翻到对着锅底的位置。撒葱和茴香碎,并加黑胡椒和盐在上面。 When the oil is hot, add potatoes and toss to coat. Using tongs, arrange the potatoes so the cut sides are down. Sprinkle fennel slices and shallot over the top; season with salt and pepper.

步骤 8

把无花果果酱放小盘子里,微波炉高火加热约10秒钟到温热就可以了。 Place fig jam in a small dish. Microwave on high for about 10 seconds or until warm.

步骤 9

把鸡胸肉放在蔬菜上面,刷无花果果酱。 Arrange chicken breasts on top of vegetables; brush with fig jam.

步骤 10

将不加盖的桃心锅放入烤箱,烤大约20分钟,或者土豆熟了鸡胸肉还是嫩嫩的状态就好了。 Place the cocotte, uncovered, in the oven and bake 20 minutes, or until potatoes are tender and chicken is cooked through.

菜谱创建时间:2013-02-06 00:39:23