洋葱切丝 shred onion
口蘑切片 slice mushrooms
在肉馅儿中打入一个鸡蛋,放入少量洋葱粒、黑胡椒碎、白胡椒粉和食盐 add chopped onion, ground black pepper, pepper powder and salt in mince
混合搅匀肉馅儿 mix all ingredients
将肉馅儿分为六七个丸子,将丸子压平,两面粘上面粉 make meatballs out of mince, 6-7,flatten them and dip in wheat flour,both sides
平底锅加热 倒入植物油 将压扁的肉饼坯放入锅内 煎至两面微黄 heat frying pan,pour in oil,fry meatballs till slightly brown,repeat with the other side
放入洋葱丝、口蘑片 add onion shreds and mushroom slices
倒入柠檬汁和啤酒 add lemon juice and beer
中火慢慢炖煮至收汤 simmer till gravy becomes sticky
做好即可装盘食用 ready for serve! pick something green to garnish,preferable!
啤酒与柠檬汁相结合,烹制过程中香气馥郁,略带柠檬自身香气的菜肴,定是炎炎夏日绝好的开胃菜品,一定来试试哦! the combination of beer and lemon sends aroma in the house,making this dish a good appetizer, so come ‘n’ try!
1. 挤柠檬汁前,把柠檬在案板上多滚动几番,这样容易挤出柠檬汁,如果有挤橙汁的挤汁工具更好; rolling the lemon on board beforehand can make squeezing a lot easier! 2. 肉饼沾裹面粉时需备一碗清水,每完成一个肉饼要清洗手指,方便沾裹下一个,不然手指很黏哦! you need a bowl or whatsoever with water to rinse sticky fingers after putting each pie in the frying pan! 3. 洋葱和口蘑用量可按个人喜好调整用量 you can be very flexible with the amount of onion and mushroom!