五彩炒饭(素食版) Colorful Rice

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作者: 黄家厨房
昨晚是瑜伽培训结业的potlock party,做了个五彩炒饭,没想到很受欢迎,今早纷纷有人问是怎么做的? 说起来费劲,听起来也不太请楚,写个菜谱吧。 Grad Potlock party, I brought a Colorful rice, some people are interest about how to make it? So I wrote this recipe.


五彩炒饭(素食版) Colorful Rice的做法步骤

步骤 1

把米淘洗干净,加入一小勺盐,一汤勺油,适量的水。按电饭煲的要求,将饭闷好。炒之前放入微波炉转3分钟。 combin three kinds of rice together in the ricecook. add 1tsp of salt and 1tbsp of cooking oil and water.Then follow the ricecook''s instruction cook the rice. Before frying them, put the rice in a microwaveable container , microwave for 3 min.

步骤 2

将胡萝卜、芹菜、洋葱切丁。 Cut the carrot ,celey, onion into small dice.

步骤 3

将鸡蛋分别打入两个碗里(各两个),放入少许盐,一碗均匀打散(做蛋皮用),一碗打出泡泡(炒饭用). Crack the eggs into two bowls.(two for each bowl),dash the salt. One stir evenly(for the decoration), One beat until full of bubbles(for the rice).

步骤 4

Stir and beat the eggs. One stir evenly(for egg sheet), One beat until full of bubbles(for the rice).

步骤 5

锅里刷上油,锅热时倒入鸡蛋摊蛋皮(一共摊两张,一张做花瓣,切一成半圆形,一张做花心,切成长条)。 Heat up the cooking pan. spray the oil into it, pour stired egg(half of them) on it to make a egg sheet.Repeat make the other half.

步骤 6
步骤 6

锅中放油,放入一半的洋葱炝锅,洋葱变金黄色时,倒入打出泡泡的鸡蛋(下锅前再打一打,泡泡越多越好),迅速将蛋划开,炒熟,炒成粹粹的。加入所有的菜,放少许盐,炒至断生。 Heat oil in frying pan, stir fry half amount of onion until brown, add the egg in, quickly stir until cooked, make it into small pieces, add all the vegetable in, dash the salt, continu stir until half cooked.

步骤 7

倒入米饭,在米饭上均匀撒上酱油,将米饭和菜翻炒均匀,放入芝麻油,拌匀,饭就算炒好了,盛出就可以吃了。但为了好看,可以做些造形,这次是做成一朵花。 Add the rice in, add soy sauce on top of rice .Stir and mix the rice and vegetable until well mixed, add the sesame oil, stir evenly. Delicious rice is ready for serve. But for the better appearance, You can do some decoration. Let's make a flower.

步骤 8

将两张蛋皮一张切成丝,一张切成若干圆形(可用模具),再从中间切一刀成半圆形。Slice one egg sheet into 5mm wide string, Cut another one into half round shape.

步骤 9

将饭盛入碗中,压实。(留出几颗甜豆) Pack the rice into a bowl.(leave some peas for decoration).

步骤 10

倒扣在盘子上。 Turn over into a large dish.

步骤 11

将碗拿开,就成这样。 Take away the bowl, it looks like this.

步骤 12

将蛋皮丝均匀地交叉放在饭的上面 Laying the egg string across over the rice.

步骤 13

把半圆形的蛋皮放到饭的边上,在每个空隙里各放入一粒豆。一碗漂亮好吃的五彩炒饭就做好了,上桌享用。 Put the half round egg sheet around the rice.Fill each gap with peas. Delicious rice is ready for serve now.Ymm

步骤 14

太香了,不装饰了,就这么吃。 Smell's good I want to eat. foget about decoration.

五彩炒饭(素食版) Colorful Rice的小贴士

蔬菜可以根据自己的喜好做选择和增减。 Tips You can use any kind of vegetable You like. The amount of ingredient is for the reference only.

菜谱创建时间:2018-04-16 13:46:50